Important Notice: Document Verification for Coaching Programs in Assam

The Directorate of Tea Tribes and Adivasi Welfare, Assam, located at Rupnagar, Guwahati-32, has issued a crucial notice for all concerned individuals. This notice pertains to the scheme “Coaching for Higher Studies” for the year 2023-24, which was advertised under Advertisement No. DTGW/DEV/22/2022-23/35, dated 26th May, 2023, and facilitated through the SIRISH portal.

Provisionally shortlisted candidates who did not participate in the previous document verification process, as indicated in office notice ECF No. 306395/1 dated 02nd August, 2023, for the Coaching of SSC (Graduate Level), Banking/Other Govt. Job related Exams (Graduate Level), Engineering, and Medical Entrance Exams are now being called again for document verification. Please take note of the following schedule:


  1. SSC (Graduate Level): Verification Date – 5th October, 2023, from 10 AM
  2. Banking/Other Govt Job related Exams (Graduate Level): Verification Date – 6th October, 2023, from 10 AM
  3. Medical Entrance Exam: Verification Date – 7th October, 2023, from 10 AM
  4. Engineering Entrance Exam: Verification Date – 7th October, 2023, from 2 PM

All document verification activities will take place at the Office of the Directorate of Tea Tribes and Adivasi Welfare, Rupnagar, Guwahati, Assam-781032.

Furthermore, a second list of provisionally shortlisted candidates who were not called for the previous document verification process for the Coaching of Medical Entrance Exams has been recommended by the State Level Screening Committee. These candidates are also required to undergo document verification on 7th October, 2023, from 10 AM, at the aforementioned office.

For complete and detailed information, please refer to the official NOTICE available on the Directorate’s website:

Document Verification for Coaching Programs in Assam